What is a good WiFi Speed?
No one wants to deal with slow Wi-Fi speeds. We’ve all been there. You know:
At an intense level of a video game and your connection lags.
Streaming a TV show with the family and the connection is spotty.
Giving a presentation and the video keeps buffering.
We avoid these instances by turning to faster Wi-Fi speeds. What makes a Wi-Fi connection fast anyways? In this article we will cover how to find a good Wi-Fi speed for a reliable connection.
If you want to know more about how to identify when your Wi-Fi connection is slow and what to do about it, check out this article all about increasing your Wi-Fi speed. In the meantime, here’s how to find good Wi-Fi speeds.
Measure Wi-Fi Network Speeds with a Speed Test
First, it’s important to understand how Wi-Fi is measured. Wi-Fi is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). The more Mbps you have, the faster your internet speed and Wi-Fi signal will be. Figuring out the Mbps amount that you should get is the first step.
A good place to start is with an internet speed test. This will give you an idea of where your Wi-Fi connection speed is at today and can help determine if you need a better, faster connection or not. At the end of the day, the more Mbps you have, the faster your speeds will be. But not everyone needs an excessive amount of Mbps for their Wi-Fi connection to be right for them. A good Wi-Fi speed for your household or business all depends on how you plan on using your internet connection.
Good Wi-Fi speeds
Good Wi-Fi speeds depend on what you are using the Wi-Fi connection for. Generally, if you only need Internet for sending emails, reading articles and browsing the web, a Wi-Fi speed of 10 to 12 Mbps should get the job done. However, if you are looking to play video games, stream videos and TV, and upload or download files, then increasing that speed will be a better option. Increasing your Wi-Fi speed will give you faster download speeds and overall better performance.
If your Wi-Fi speed is at 20 Mbps or more, you can avoid any lag or annoying hang-ups in your connection. Wi-Fi speeds of 20-25 Mbps will support most online activity, like HD video streaming, online gaming, web browsing, downloading music, and more.
Choose the right internet service provider
Make sure to choose an internet service provider (ISP) that offers the Wi-Fi speeds that you actually need without making you pay for excess that you do not need. Again, performing speed tests and identifying what you truly use your internet for will help you to figure out a good speed for your home or business.