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Your Complete Guide to WiFi Boosters

WiFi Booster with WiFi Router
The term WiFi booster was a catch-all phrase for devices that extended a WiFi signal. A WiFi booster now is more accurately defined as a wireless range extender, MoCA® wired extender or a MoCA/Ethernet WiFi Wireless Network Extender.
Even with the best wireless router, there can still be areas of your home or office where the WiFi signal isn’t the best. This can be caused by thick walls, construction material in the walls and floors, or interference from appliances and other devices.
WiFi Network Extender using MoCA
Fast WiFi for all Devices
To get better Wi-Fi, you typically need both a faster home network connection and a more reliable one. Wi-Fi speeds vary greatly these days, which impacts how quickly you can download and upload files, or stream your favorite show. A number of factors can also affect the quality and reliability of your home network.

Use Cases

Poor WiFi with WiFi Dead Zone

Improve WiFi Around Home

When everyone in the house is using WiFi at once, things can slow down and get spotty. You may even have dead zones in and around your home where you get no WiFi. When streaming video, your screen might freeze or buffer for a few seconds intermittently. In these cases, you can purchase a network adapter or extender to bring the WiFi network to those places where it’s typically weak or non-existent.

Improve Online Gaming

A gamer’s worst nightmare is network lag. Latency is the quality of your network, meaning how long in milliseconds it takes for data to reach back to its original destination. When playing games online, latency is critical. The lower the latency, the better the gaming experience. With high latency – boom – you’re dead while waiting for that connection to catch up with your actions.
Gaming over WiFi
WiFi Video Streaming OTT

Improve Video Streaming

Wi-Fi can be fraught with issues including dead spots, slow connections, or drops in the signal, which result in buffering or sluggish video streaming. When you’re watching a movie, these issues are nothing but frustrating. MoCA closes that gap and instantly boosts the performance of your home network.



802.11ac WiFi Network Extender with Bonded MoCA


Extend the range of your WiFi network to the far corners of your home with the WiFi Network Extender WCB6200Q. Using the latest bonded MoCA 2.0 standard, next-generation wireless AC, video prioritization technology, a powerful 4×4 GHz radio and better antenna design, this WiFi extender turbo-charges the existing home wireless network and delivers a better video streaming experience

Watch this video and learn how everyone in your household can enjoy their own Internet fast lane with the ECB7250 MoCA Adapter!

Products to Try


ScreenBeam Bonded MoCA 2.5 Network Adapter for Highest Speed Internet, Ethernet Over Coax - Starter Kit

The ECB7250 MoCA 2.5 Network Adapter delivers next-generation speeds up to 2.5 Gbps* using your home’s existing coaxial wires.


ScreenBeam MoCA 2.5 Network Adapter for Higher Speed Internet, Ethernet Over Coax - Starter Kit 

The ECB6250 MoCA 2.5 Network Adapter delivers next-generation speeds up to 2.5 Gbps* using your home’s existing coaxial wires.


802.11ac WiFi Network Extender with Bonded MoCA

Wireless Network Extender with MoCA, Gigabit Ethernet
& 802.11ac

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